As never before, all over the world Muslims are turning to Jesus and starting to follow Him. Here in the West, many from Muslim backgrounds visit churches, saying that they have become Christians or are interested in following Jesus.

Although Come Follow Me was originally written for believers in a Muslim-majority country, the contents are still relevant in the West, or in other diaspora settings, particularly for those who are first generation migrants for whatever reasons.

Challenges in the West

BMBs in the West often have more freedom in relation to their Muslim communities and less persecution than they would in Muslim lands. On the other hand they face different challenges, especially if they have fairly recently arrived in the West. These challenges include, for example:

  • how to cope with ‘freedom of choice’ and make decisions wisely
  • how to budget their finances
  • how to adjust to the mindset and cultures of western Christians
  • how to handle relationships with the opposite sex
  • how to integrate the different parts of their identity

Some of these topics will be covered in future courses. 

Further topics to consider as an Advisor

When working with BMBs in a diaspora situation, there are many things to consider when mentoring and discipling them. It is important to consider their individual background, culture, journey and how they came to faith in order to use Come Follow Me appropriately. For those working with refugees and asylum seekers, we have listed below where you can find help with issues they may face (these are mainly UK based).

Links to refugee organisations

Refugee Council

Refugee Action

Refugee Support Network

Detention Action

Boaz Trust

Christian initiatives and resources

Church Response for Refugees

Capital Mass: The Diosese of London and Church Urban Fund

Jesuit Refugee Service

Housing and campaigns

 Positive Action in Housing

The No Accommodation Network

City of Sanctuary

Places of Welcome